Thomas Harding

Specialty Trainee - Year 7

Thomas graduated from Glasgow University with his medical degree in 2010 also holding a BSc (Med Sci) in Sports Medicine. He completed his Foundation Training in the West of Scotland, before travelling to Australia, where he worked in emergency medicine and orthopaedic surgery for 2 years. During his junior training he also completed an MSc in Orthopaedic Engineering from the University of Cardiff.

Following returning to the UK, Thomas completed his Core Surgical Training with experience in general surgery, trauma and orthopaedic surgery, as well as plastic surgery in the West of Scotland. He took up his specialty training post in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery on the East of Scotland rotation in 2016.

Thomas has particular interest in trauma, arthroplasty & revision arthroplasty. He currently holds positions as the Chair of the Scottish Academy Trainee Doctors Group, and as the Trainee Lead Surgical Division NHS Tayside. He previously held the position of the Scottish representative for the British Orthopaedic Trainees Association.

Outside of work, Thomas enjoys hillwalking, rugby (now watching rather than playing), tennis, and spending time with his young family.