Specialty Training in Tayside Orthopaedics

Trauma, Elective, Research, Teaching

Welcome to Tayside

First of all

Most importantly, if you have just received an offer to work with us in Tayside, congratulations, and welcome to the team. If you are still applying, and looking for more information, we hope we can provide what you are looking for, and hope to see you soon! Tayside is an excellent place to train, and has beautiful surroundings. We are a close-knit trainee group, who get on very well, and catch-up out of work often. You will have experience of two purely elective operating sites (Perth and Stracathro) and the major trauma centre at Ninewells, all of which help to provide Tayside trainees with significantly above-average operative numbers.

How the programme works

Run-through trainees from ST1 to ST8 are separated into two ‘tiers’ in Tayside. The ‘junior tier’ from ST1 - around ST3 is where you learn the ropes, and work the on-call service for our patients. This is on a 1 in 8 rota currently, and leaves you with lots of time scheduled for operating lists, clinics, and once-per-week scheduled teaching. Once on the ‘senior tier’ your role becomes more focused on operative and clinic experience, as well as supervising ‘junior tier’ colleagues. We have regular teaching every week, as well as lots of opportunity for research and other training experiences.

What can I do before I start

Please get in touch with us! We would love to hear from you, and arrange a visit if you would like to meet the team. We recommend brushing up on basic texts, such as McRae’s, Rockwood and Green’s, and Hoppenfeld, and we also recommend revising your basic surgical and practical skills as much as possible, either through courses (casting courses, basic orthopaedic skills courses, etc.) or local experience.

I have some questions

As said above, please get in touch with us if you have any questions at all that we can help with. The form below can be used for this, and we will get back in touch as soon as we can.

Contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you, and helping where we can.